Press Releases

Aerial AI Ltd

Press Release

Sydney, Australia 15 July 2022

Immediate Release

Aerial AI Ltd Commences Live Demo Testing of Our AI Powered Financial Markets Trading Software

Aerial AI Ltd is developing advanced trading software based upon Artificial Intelligence (AI) and has made significant progress. The latest milestone is Stage 3 whereby Aerial AI Ltd has commenced live trading of our AI powered financial markets trading software in a demonstration account.

This is an extension of our progress to date being:
Stage 1. Development of AI software to analyse market data using machine learning and our proprietary tools.

Stage 2. Development of automated trade executing software using the MetaTrader 4 platform including proprietary tools.

Importance of Stage 3. Milestone

Aerial AI Ltd uses machine learning, a subset of artificial intelligence, to be trained on previous market data of price movements being the open price, high price, low price and closing price for every fifteen minute time frame over several years. This data is analysed using proprietary tools developed by our team. The breakthrough of Stage 3. is that our AI engine analyses the current real time price data to make price predictions over the next hour. To make this more understandable, our software automatically draws short lines for the predicted high and low prices as shown.

About Aerial AI Ltd

Aerial AI Ltd is an unlisted Australian public company based in Sydney. We are using the power of AI to build an automated software trading system to trade financial markets. Aerial AI is fortunate to have a great team with start up business experience, managing profitable businesses, AI and software experts, and listed company experience.


Paul Monsted

Managing Director

Aerial AI Ltd

+61 0413765599

See our potential

Aerial AI Ltd has already developed a proof of concept trading system and tested this in several financial markets.